Olivier Moraine

From 1990 to 2010
Judo: 20 years of Judo discipline practice; current rank black belt second dan; competitor, referee and teacher.

Since 2010
Trail running and long distance triathlons enthusiast, I embarked on the adventure with passion. Constantly learning and listening to new training methods.

My approach to training allowed me perform at a high level and place among the top athletes at various competitions.

National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) by Triathlon Québec.

Triathlon results

  • Ironman 140.6 Kona, Hawaii (3.8km/180km/42.2km)
  • Ironman 140.6 Lake Placid (3.8km/180km/42.2km); 2nd age group & 3rd overall (Hawaii Qualification)
  • Ironman 70.3 Mont Tremblant (1.9km/90km/21.1km); 2nd age group
  • Canadian Triathlon Championships ITU (Olympic Distance): 1h52′
  • Toronto Olympic triathlon (1.5km/40km/10km); 1st age group

Race Running

  • 5Km in 16min55sec
  • 10km in 35min50sec
  • 21.1km in 1h18min
  • 42.2km in 2h45min
  • 6000d (63km with 4000mD+) in 10h19min


Triathlon, swimming, biking and running content.Here, I share all my goals and training sessions. You will also find resources that can be adapted for your races and training program.

Feel free to come and join me on my journey in preparation for your own goals.