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Ottawa Canadian Triathlon Champ, juillet 2016


2016 Canadian Triathlon Championships @Ottawa July 2016

Registered at the last minute, just a few days before the event, the preparation is therefore very basic; Continue on the momentum of the last triathlon, ( the TTF).

We put the bikes in the transition zone on Friday, because the race takes place on Saturday. This event which is governed by ITU (International Triathlon Union) seems strict, I took the time to read and understand the very complete regulations.

The next morning we find ourselves in the transition zone, the regulations impose a tri suit that does not cover the shoulders so sleeves are prohibited. And the surprises begin, several athletes show up with sleeve tri-suits and will never be worried by anyone throughout the event. Second surprise of the day: The swimming part is canceled. One of the tests imposed by the federation cannot be carried out (lack of material or other) so the decision is taken quickly.

The 1500m swim is replaced by 2.5km of running. For me and several other athletes this comforts us, we tell ourselves that the time of this triathlon will be very good.

We sit on the starting line, the organization places the sensors for the running, we wait, it’s quite long. They send us off in waves, the first wave: males from 18 to 34 years old. Finally after more than 45min of delay on the initial schedule, the start is given.

It goes very strong! Little guys aged 18-20 start like rabbits! The leader, alone in front of several groups of runners, keeps a pace of 3min / km, I will manage to come back to the first group of pursuers in the last 500 meters before entering to look for the bike. The 2.5km are swallowed in 8’15  » or a pace of 3’35  » / km.

When arriving in the transition zone, there is no wetsuit to take off, the socks are already set, just take off the running shoes, making sure to put them away because they will be ready in a short time.

I grab the bike and get out at the same time as the first 8 or 10. The course runs along the Rideau Canal, it consists of two 20km loops. The road is ok most of the time but there are some nice holes to watch out for. The sensations for me are average, I can not make the speed, I am content to stay under 40km / h without succeeding in pushing above. The two loops go through without a hitch, but I still have a feeling of not having managed to push enough on the bike, of having stayed in my comfort zone. At least I didn’t force more than reasonable. The bike is completed in 1h06 or 37km / h on average.

Last transition and let’s go for 10km on foot. The 2.5 km loop is to be done 4 times. The pace is good, I overtake many athletes who were more efficient than me on the bike. I will hold a pace of 3’46  » / km and finish this 10km in 35’40  ». Just a few seconds behind the second in my age group, which puts me 3rd. for these national championships. The ITU World Championships will be held in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) in 2017, and today you only needed to be in the top 10 of your age group to qualify.

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